Looking for a collar, harness, anti-pull harness or leash for your dog? In our range, you'll find everything you need for a fun and safe walk with your pooch.
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Everything for a nice walk. Walkies?
One of the best things about having a dog is walkies. It’s not just your dog that will enjoy a cooling summer walk on the beach or an autumn walk in the woods. It is also nice and relaxing for you as the owner. Taking a walk with your four-legged friend provides fresh air, healthy exercise and relaxation after a long day. For those pleasant walks, you can go to Flamingo and shop to your heart’s content for hiking equipment, because every dog and his/her owner deserves the best.
A shop brimming with hiking supplies
Are you anticipating bring a puppy home soon and looking for a handy puppy harness? Has your dog grown out of the puppy stage, and are you looking for a long lead for more safety? Our dog shop contains a range of more than 500 products to help you enjoy a relaxing, pleasant walk. From dog harnesses to retractable leads, and from a leather collar to a reflective dog jacket. Quickly discover what’s available for the ideal walk with your loyal friend.
Are you looking for a dog collar or dog harness?
Walking your dog safely starts with the basic necessities: a good dog collar or harness. Whatever you choose, a dog harness and collar both have their advantages. It just depends on what is important to you and your dog. We examine the plus points for both the harness and the collar below.
Advantages of a collar
- A dog collar is practical, you can put it on the dog quickly and easily
- A collar does not pose a physical obstacle during sports or a walk
- A dog collar is often relatively cheap in price
Advantages of a harness
- A well-fitting dog harness ensures optimal pressure distribution on the body
- A harness gives you more grip and control over your dog while out for a walk
- A good harness for the dog does not pinch the neck, larynx or windpipe
Different types of collars and dog harnesses
When you have decided what best suits your dog, you can make a choice from the different models in our range. You can easily shop for a special puppy collar, a dog collar with snap closure or a durable leather collar. You will also find many options for harnesses, including; A Y-harness to ensure optimal pressure distribution, an anti-pull harness, a breastplate or a reflective puppy harness. Explore what’s available by using the filters on our website. This will provide a handy search result that matches your wishes and those of your dog.
How do I choose the best dog lead?
Of course, the basics do not stop with purchasing a dog collar or harness. Dog leads are a basic part of going for a nice walk with your dog. When choosing a dog lead, it is best to base your decision on why you are using the lead and the weight of your dog. For example, you would choose a different dog lead for your German Shepherd than for a Chihuahua. Which dog lead is suitable for your situation? A number of examples can be seen below;
Short dog leads – short dog leads are often used for dogs, and for good reason. They ensure your dog stays close to you, giving you better control while you are out for a walk. Short dog leads are therefore ideal for dog training or puppy training.
Long line – A long dog lead can really help in many situations. Do you want to teach your dog or puppy to run off the lead, or simply let your dog track you while you are enjoying the walk? A long line or a tracking line is a good tool. Long leads are also a saviour for dogs that are going through puberty and do not listen well. You can choose a dog lead of 3 metres, 5 metres or even 10 metres and still enjoy safe and fun walks with your dog.
Flexi roller lead – A flexi dog lead is a retractable lead. These leads roll up automatically and are extremely popular. A Flexi dog lead gives your dog the freedom to explore on the go without the lead getting tangled. Ideal for dogs that like to use their nose. Choose a Flexi roller lead that can be adapted for the weight of your dog; these provide a lot of control while out for a walk.
Adjustable Dog Lead – An adjustable dog lead combines the advantages of both a short and long dog lead. These leads are adjustable in length and can be adapted to the situation perfectly. Adjustable leads are also called training leads because they are ideal for training dogs. In addition, they can of course also be used perfectly for a nice walk.
Jogging line – Do you enjoy running and taking your dog with you? A jogging line is perfect for you. Fit a running belt around your hips to leave your hands free. These leads are often used for running with dogs and hands-free walks.
Coupling line – Do you have to walk two or more dogs and are unable to hold all the leads? A coupling line is a good choice to take your pack out. A coupling line makes it possible to connect two dogs to one dog lead. You can then keep one hand free while walking.
When and why do you use a muzzle?
A muzzle can help you enjoy safe, comfortable walks with your dog. Because the band closes the mouth, the dog cannot snap or bite. But a muzzle is not only suitable for snappy dogs. A muzzle is also a godsend for dogs that are a bit too curious. Young dogs, and puppies in particular, have a reputation for wanting to eat everything while they are out for a walk. Exploring everything is a part of being a puppy of course, but eating dangerous things must be prevented. Before you know it, your puppy may have downed a dangerous mushroom. Prevention is really better than cure in this case. A muzzle can help enormously with this.
Safety first! Safety underway!
We can’t say it often enough: being safe while enjoying a walk is very important. Being prepared for walkies is not only important for yourself, but also for your dog. Dark winter evenings, foggy summer mornings, and rainy autumn days call for extra safety. Make sure you and your dog are clearly visible in traffic at all times. Use a collar light, safety vest or reflective dog jacket, and you will be well prepared and safe on the road.
Dog walk accessories
In addition to cool collars, you can find comfortable dog harnesses, safe lighting and durable leather dog leads in our dog shop accessories for walkies category. These items make it even easier and more fun for you as a dog owner. The selection includes poop bags, a reward bag or a cleaning kit. There are also drinking bottles and food bowls that may come in handy during a hiking trip. In short, our dog shop contains everything for the perfect walk with your dog. Walkies?
In a nutshell
Om samen met je hond op pad te gaan heb je o.a. een halsband, hondenriem en poepzakjes nodig. Maar er zijn meer items die jullie wandelingen niet alleen leuker, maar ook comfortabeler maken! Ontdek alle wandelbenodigdheden voor de ideale wandeling met jouw hond.
De keuze tussen halsband of tuig is afhankelijk van de bouw van je hond, het wandelgedrag én natuurlijk jouw wensen. Zowel een halsband als een hondentuig bieden voor- en nadelen. Bekijk snel onze halsbanden en hondentuigen en ontdek de beste keuze voor jullie.
Hondentuigjes vind je in verschillende modellen; een borsttuig, Zweeds harnas, y-tuig voor honden, het speciale puppytuigje óf het anti-trektuig. Ben je benieuwd welk tuig het beste is voor jouw hond? Laat je inspireren door ons assortiment.
De beste hondenriem is de riem die past bij jouw hond én de situatie. Ga je hardlopen dan is een hardloopriem handig, wil je veel controle tijdens het trainen kies dan voor een korte of verstelbare hondenriem.
Veel mensen denken dat het dragen van een muilkorf enkel bedoeld is voor agressieve honden die bijten. Niets is minder waar. Zie je een hond op straat met een muilkorf dan kunnen hier meerdere redenen voor zijn, misschien eet hij van de straat of blaft hij snel.