Frequently asked questions
You’ll find the quickest answer to your questions here. We’ve gathered the answers to our frequently asked questions in this useful overview.
Become a dealer
Are you a trader and would like to distribute our Flamingo-products? We would be delighted. Please fill out our form and we’ll contact you soon.
Do you have a question for us and can't find the answer on our website? No problem at all. Mail us, send us a carrier pigeon or contact us by phone.
Give us your feedback
Feedback about our products or services? A bad experience or a problem? Or perhaps a good experience or a compliment? Your feedback helps us grow.
Spare parts
Looking for spare parts for your product? E.g. filters for cat litter trays, an extra dog door, an extension piece or other spare part? Check our product page to see if the spare parts are available. These can be ordered from your local pet shop.
Are you looking for a product manual? If we have a manual available, you’ll always find it on the product page under 'Downloads'.
Our customer service is available:
- Monday – Thursday from 08.30 a.m. - 04.30 p.m.
- Friday from 08.30 a.m. – 03.00 p.m.
Contact information
- Telephone: +32 (0)14 24 21 00
- Email:
- Address: Lammerdries - Winkelstraat 25, 2250 Olen, Belgium