Flamingo 4 Seasons:
close to nature all year round

09/07/2021 Products & assortment Bird

Flamingo 4 Seasons: close to nature all year round

Admiring garden birds while sitting on the veranda, terrace or in your armchair; waking up to soft whistling birds in your garden; offering birds food and a place to shelter, e.g. a nest box in your garden. These are all great ways to get close to nature. Thanks to Flamingo 4 seasons you can enjoy every bit of it.

Across the seasons

Did you know you can feed garden birds all year round? Most people believe that garden birds only need our helping hand during winter months. Because then they find less food due to the cold winters. These days it’s also harder for them to find shelter, because more and more nature is disappearing in order to make room for new buildings. And that, of course, is a problem in winter.

It’s a myth that feeding birds makes them ‘human dependent’
Birds use a lot of energy throughout the year. In spring they lay eggs, in summer they moult and in autumn they have to prepare for the winter months. And even during these seasons they do not always find the food they need. So they can use some help throughout the year. Some people believe that offering birds food will make them ‘human dependent’, but that’s a myth.
dad and girl looking at nesting box - meisje en papa kijken naar nestkastje - flamingo pet products

From fat ball to nest box

Our range for garden birds offers everything you need to provide them a little helping hand all year round. In addition to numerous classics, we also have a lot of new products. Discover a selection from the range:  

  • Fat balls with or without net
  • Bird feeders filled with seeds and fats
  • Peanut butter 
  • Bird seeds in nets 
  • Bird tables in all shapes and sizes, with or without stand 
  • Bird feeders that you can fill yourself with treats such as seeds and mealworms

4 Seasons, the easiest way to get close to nature!

Enjoy caring for your garden birds

Your help will keep your feathered friends happy all year round. And you, in turn, can continue to enjoy nature.